Starting a business: what financial aid is available?

Are you about to start a business? The field of financing to help you realize your project is very vast. It is a necessary step that requires a great responsibility for the creator. There are so many aids, but it is necessary to analyze the one that would be suitable for your project.

Opt for NACRE at a zero rate

NACRE or New Company Creation and Takeover Support is a type of aid intended for young unemployed, disabled people under 30 years old who are considering starting or recovering their business. This type of financing can also accompany the personnel of a company in recovery or judicial liquidation. NACRE offers you its help in three phases: firstly, for the realization of the project; secondly, for the financing; and finally for the follow-up of the project which could take up to three years. Note that NACRE finances your future company at a zero rate.

What is the AGEFIPH aid?

AGEFIPH, or the Association for the Fund Management for the Professional Integration of Disabled People, as its name suggests provides assistance for handicapped people planning to start a business. AGEFIPH submits its funding assistance for the creator in the form of a grant. AGEFIPH holds various conditions for access. It is necessary that the disabled person is the manager of the company with a contribution which does not exceed 1500 €. Thus, it allows the applicant to win a financing to a package of 5000 € to help in the creation of a business. More information is communicated when someone makes request for help from the organization.

ACRE and ARCE aid

The " Aid to the Takeover or the Creation of a Business " (ARCE) is an aid scheme that allows an exemption from the remaining unemployment benefits for 12 months. If you want to be directed towards this system, it is necessary that you are member in the employment center. This organization pays you 45% of the remaining unemployment benefits and the payment is divided into two parts. The first half of the payment will be financed when your registration with the employment center is completed and validated. The second half will be offered six months later. The ACRE is a financial aid that allows you to be partially or totally exempted from social charges. This aid scheme lasts for one year but can be reduced depending on the social status of the beneficiary. The calculation is done every three months and the value of the aid depends on the compensation of the entrepreneur. Note that certain contributions such as the subsidiary pension and the generalized social contribution (CSG) are not concerned with this exemption.